Can You Read a Book with No Pictures?
BHI is proud of its network of Los Angeles literacy groups that support year around reading programs for low-income children.
Chasing That Degree
Mahtab Ahmem, a sophomore at CalPoly Pomona “chasing a degree in civil engineering”, resides at Mar Vista Gardens, Los Angeles.
Fighting the Food Desert
A unique partnership ensures low-income Los Angeles residents cover the basics during COVID19.
A New Way of Life
Vanessa Ojeda kicked off her summer youth employment program in Los Angeles with an internship at A New Way of Life Charity Foundation.
Fatherhood, a Lifelong Project
This community-based charitable support group focused on family and life-skills has had a positive intergenerational impact on Ricky Glass and his grandson in Los Angeles.
There’s No Internet Here..!
Kimberly Dockett sees poor internet connectivity as a health crisis in low-income Los Angeles communities.